Sunday, January 3, 2016

2015 (I'll work on catchier titles)

Still bummed I can't figure out how to add to my other blog, and haven't been able to since telling you all about Harlow being born. Maybe it's set to come up on the tablet (pretty sure that's where I last wrote about anything at).  So, 18+ months and I'm not any smarter at all. Anyway, I kinda miss is and I liked it.  So I'm gonna try to do better this year with it.  I'm pretty sure only about 5ish people or so read it anyway.  The main reason I started writing one was because when we were going to so many appointments with Faith over 5 years ago now, I'd forget to e-mail an important person that wanted to know what was going on, so I just figured having one place where I kept those up to date on stuff would help them stay as informed as they wanted to be, and I wouldn't have to feel bad about forgetting to e-mail people.  Then I discovered I really quite enjoyed telling (writing) about the silly antics of this household and of the milestones we were all hitting (or not hitting). we are.

2015  was a pretty good year.  I got to see Pentatonix and Norha Jones in concert (loved both of them, but I'm a massive a ccapella fan).  Got to see my first ever comedian live at the Tulsa Comedy Club (one of Tommy's friends had made it there, he was hilarious...I liked him WAY better than the "head liner").  My parents held a pretty cool little birthday celebration for me turning 37, and I was so thankful for it, for them.  I'm glad they're around to just be here with us (and they choose to do so).  Checked out Crystal Bridges, we weren't all that impressed with the art galleries, but did very much enjoy the nature trails.  I think we will check that out again and just go on those.  Tommy left his job at the Title Closing place, and went back to the warehouse.  He seems happier there, and much less stressed out.  I think the Title Closing place
humbled him a little (whether that's a good thing or a bad thing depends on who you ask, I suppose).

Angelus made it to 6th grade somehow.  ;)  Nah, he's a bright kid.  The only way he won't make it to another grade is if he quits (and I'd pull his ears for that....okay probably wouldn't do that).  He hung out with friends more, learned more, grew more (but not nearly enough according to him). Tommy and him are playing tons of board games together this year, and have tried another round to table top role playing games. It's good for him.  Makes him show us his face even more often. :)
We did a Color Run with the school...(we may have walked more than ran)

Faith put on 8pounds.  That's pretty impressive.  She now comes to about my chin.  She may out grow her momma before I thought she would.  She is loving school this year, she has great teachers, therapists, aides and school people she's working with.  So there is that. We had more luck with potty training this year than any other time.  Although if I'm being totally realistic, I don't think she'll ever be completely potty trained, but I *do* think we can have a set schedule for when it's time for her to go and she can learn that.  For instance, when school is going on she will go to the bathroom at exactly 3:48.  If I take her in there before that time nothing happens, if it's after that time, it's too late. I just gotta figure out all the other times.

He is sitting in Faith's seat at school.  He's ready for this learning stuff.
Harlow is doing more stuff.  Last night Angelus started singing "Bad Boys" so then Harlow did.  Pretty stinking cute.  Today Tommy and I were saying "Thunder Up!"  He was too. He will give you a "high 5" and a "fist bump" (he even says "fist bump"), a hug and a kiss and he knows the difference between all of those when you ask him.  His favorite snack is string cheese and he loves steamed veggies especially broccoli

Our extended family seems to be doing okay, some a lot better than they were last year.  My oldest little sister and her family got to buy a house.  It is awesome, and huge. My big brother is out and about where we may see his face when we're running around.  My other sisters seem to be doing good as well.  The youngest is supposed to graduate in May and the other one got promoted to be an assistant manager at her job that she seems to love.  Mom and Dad have been sicker and have been healthier.  I say this 'cause my momma sounded awful when I talked to her a little earlier.  It's one of those things where she needs to sleep and drink fluids kidna thing.  Dad is still going to work, stacking some wood, and checking on the cows but needs a few more naps than what he used to need.....or maybe he's just taking more naps and he always needed them.  Anyway, I hope your 2015 was kind to you (or at least not too bad to you).

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