Monday, August 10, 2015

A Whole New Blog (only kind of)

I was going to post a new entry on my blog, which I haven't done in well over a year, but I couldn't login. So, figured I might as well start a new one. I'm going to try to post more often than once a year.

We are two days from embarking on a whole new school year. Angelus being a 6th grader, Faith a 3rd grader, and Harlow as my trusty side kick.  Faith has all new teachers, and a new aid. We will miss her old SPED teacher because she was just wonderful, but better opportunities were out there for her (as they should be!). Her new one is a small, soft spoken man that I think Faith will eventually like. He's just a lot different, as in he's someone she doesn't know. I don't know her new aid, but a lot of people around here do. She's several years older than I. I just hope she has her "running shoes" ready. Faith has decided that being dressed is for the birds. She's never been a huge fan of it, but it seems to have blown up to epic proportions this summer. I kid you not, I redress that girl at least 50x a day. So, someone will just have to be right beside her all day long to make sure she isn't flinging her clothes everywhere. So, I'm hopeful that the school will be better than the past couple. If not, we will do something different.
Angelus is beginning 6th grade and at least for now, he will have the same teacher he had last year. We all liked her. She's a good lady and teacher. He hasn't got to have much of an exciting summer these past couple of years because last summer Harlow made his way into the world and I was left recovering from that all summer long. This summer I was very concerned about my ability to say, take them all swimming and make sure Faith and Harlow were safe. Angelus tends to do a fairly decent job listening to me (most days) so I wasn't as nervous about him.

Harlow is a serious walking dude. He eats twice as much as his big sister, can drink out of pretty much any cup you hand him, enjoys laughing and clapping, and saying....uh-oh! And making sure he enunciates it.

This summer Harlow turned 1, Faith turned 8, we had the family get together and have cake and ice cream to celebrate. We got to (finally) check out Crystal Bridges Museum. Other than that the summer consisted of taking Faith to therapy. Which is incredibly important and beneficial and the people there are super nice.

How has your summer been? Are you looking forward to a new school year, or are you dreading it?

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