Sunday, August 23, 2015

That's How it Goes

I've dropped a couple of pounds recently.  Nothing *too* earth shattering, just enough that a few people noticed it, but most haven't. One of the people who noticed asked me what my secret was....I told her I was just limiting my intake of carbs at dinner time, and that was pretty much it.  Then I got to thinking more about it, and while I've consciously been doing this, there are other things that probably factor in as well. Like working hard at getting a good routine set up for evening/night time. Fixing dinner for everyone to sit down and eat together AND generally actually fixing a meal, not just tossing stuff in a microwave. Getting better/more sleep. I also do tons of squats, but Ive been working on those for a VERY long time. Harlow is 14months old, and I guess with each kid it's all different. I'd been exercising and not having a horrible diet since he was pretty much born. Maybe it's just one of those things where my body is finally saying, "hey! You're healed from birth and surgery enough that I'll start letting you see some benefit to what you've been doing?" Whatever the case, I'm just glad my pant sizes aren't continueing to go up. We were getting to numbers that made me nervous (for health and vanity reasons, honestly).  I've also been discovering more and more lately that I'm fairly sure no one really wants to hear what I have to say.  They really just want me to listen. I used to be really good at that. It's a work in progress. I will get better at it (hopefully sooner than later).

3rd grade seems to be good for Faith.  Her new aide is wonderful. She just seems to enjoy Faith, enjoy being there, and has a fantastic attitude. Faith is always glad to greet her in the mornings. She's went to the bathroom in the correct place at least once a day for the past 11 days, and for the past 4 of those 11 even more than once.  This is the most successful attempt we've ever had at potty training her.  It's an incredibly slow process, but we are getting there.

Angelus seems to like being a 6th grader just fine. He did say the swiping of classes has him more than a little confused, but we're pretty sure even the teachers are confused about it all still. The newest teacher he has this year was telling them all about ladies having to wear corsets and heavy dresses long ago. This prompted him to tell me to never wear one because he didn't want me yo die. I appreciate that and don't want to die, but I did also tell him that that's something you kinda train your body for. Which I have not, so we're good. I won't be wearing one anytime soon.

That's all for now.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

A Little about the Little Ones

School is going again. I wouldn't say "in full swing" because it seems as if there's a few kinks they need to get lined out (and I hope they are able to especially for the sake of some teachers/administrators stress levels). Angelus seems to be enjoying 6th grade so far. I loved 6th grade when I was a kid (aside from my teacher, only teacher I had that I did not care for even a little). Fifth grade was terrible. Seems as if Sixth grade I found some amazing friends to enjoy being a kid/teen for the next several years. I think Angelus found those a few years before now. The kids he's friends with are some great kids.

Faith seems to be *trying* to say things AND I'm not the only one who thinks this. She does talk REALLY soft and with a whisper kind of noise. I've learned that if I ask 'yes' 'no' questions, then count to ten she sometimes responds. I know ten seconds doesn't sound like long, but when you're used to people giving an immediate response its kind of something you need to condition yourself to do. At least I do.  I hear her say "hi!" More often, Friday she was jumping up and down on the love seat (I know. I shouldn't let my kid do that) saying "this is fun!" Then she went to jump on her trampoline and was saying "this is high!". This morning I said Good Morning, Faith! (Which I say most mornings to the kids), she responded back 'morning'. Like I said it's fairly quiet sounding with a whisper/airy type sound to it so you have to be fairly quiet to hear it. Although Angelus and Faith were just singing away on the ABC's this weekend and she was pretty vocal with it. I've also gotten her to use the bathroom in the correct place at least once a day for 5/6 days straight. Still lots of messes, but definitely an improvement. With how insanely stressful the summer was and the majority of last school year, I do hope we continue going in this direction.

Harlow just babbles like a little Angelus did (I hope he never stops and he is talking everybody's head off in no time). He's an insanely determined little Dare Devil. Gonna give us all gray hair before you know it. He likes it when I read books to him and sit and roll the ball back and forth. He also likes to pull all of the food out of the cabinets, climb to the highest point he can get to, climb up on Angelus' bed to wake him in the mornings (angelus likes that too). We tried it with Faith and even though Harlow thought it was fantastic, Faith wasn't much of a fan so we just do it to Angelus.

Tommy's getting to work on more writing projects, which makes him happy. And I'm attempting to do a better job at keeping an evening routine. With how much Faith hates baths it dawned on me that I really should just start a good, solid routine with it because one day she will just be too big for me to pick up and put in the tub (and realistically speaking I will be doing this for the rest of my life), so while she's little enough for me to put her back in the tub if need be, is the best time to make it part of our everyday routine. It should be easier as she gets older/ least that's the goal.

Monday, August 10, 2015

A Whole New Blog (only kind of)

I was going to post a new entry on my blog, which I haven't done in well over a year, but I couldn't login. So, figured I might as well start a new one. I'm going to try to post more often than once a year.

We are two days from embarking on a whole new school year. Angelus being a 6th grader, Faith a 3rd grader, and Harlow as my trusty side kick.  Faith has all new teachers, and a new aid. We will miss her old SPED teacher because she was just wonderful, but better opportunities were out there for her (as they should be!). Her new one is a small, soft spoken man that I think Faith will eventually like. He's just a lot different, as in he's someone she doesn't know. I don't know her new aid, but a lot of people around here do. She's several years older than I. I just hope she has her "running shoes" ready. Faith has decided that being dressed is for the birds. She's never been a huge fan of it, but it seems to have blown up to epic proportions this summer. I kid you not, I redress that girl at least 50x a day. So, someone will just have to be right beside her all day long to make sure she isn't flinging her clothes everywhere. So, I'm hopeful that the school will be better than the past couple. If not, we will do something different.
Angelus is beginning 6th grade and at least for now, he will have the same teacher he had last year. We all liked her. She's a good lady and teacher. He hasn't got to have much of an exciting summer these past couple of years because last summer Harlow made his way into the world and I was left recovering from that all summer long. This summer I was very concerned about my ability to say, take them all swimming and make sure Faith and Harlow were safe. Angelus tends to do a fairly decent job listening to me (most days) so I wasn't as nervous about him.

Harlow is a serious walking dude. He eats twice as much as his big sister, can drink out of pretty much any cup you hand him, enjoys laughing and clapping, and saying....uh-oh! And making sure he enunciates it.

This summer Harlow turned 1, Faith turned 8, we had the family get together and have cake and ice cream to celebrate. We got to (finally) check out Crystal Bridges Museum. Other than that the summer consisted of taking Faith to therapy. Which is incredibly important and beneficial and the people there are super nice.

How has your summer been? Are you looking forward to a new school year, or are you dreading it?